We’ve all heard it shouted in the park “Fido come back, Fido come back” to no avail… If that sounds familiar then our Reliable Recall Course is the one for you. A dog not coming back when called can be one of the most frightening and dangerous basic training problems (we've all seen the Fenton video!) and its well known that some breeds, have a self-motivating running sequence which is hard to control. Others, like Jack Russells and Lurchers, have been bred for generations to seek out little furry things – so even the best cooked lamb doesn't seem to tempt them back when you call them.
But all is not lost; we can give you and your dog a strong foundation for a reliable recall. We run our 2 hour sessions across various Sussex venues and also give you the all important post course handout and email support to help you continue to succeed afterwards.​
Along with reliable recall, one of the main aims of many dog owners is to teach their dogs not to pull on the lead. Unfortunately it is an easy habit to learn and many dogs pick this up from a very young age when they first start going outside on a lead. At this age they are not usually that strong so we don’t notice them pulling or we just let them amble around and explore to help with their confidence outside. They then quickly learn that if they pull, we move and often follow them and they get places faster. Where this becomes an issue however is when they start to get older and we notice the pulling is becoming more obvious.
We can give you and your dog the skills you need, to work towards having your dog walk nicely by your side . We run our 2 hour sessions across various Sussex venues and also give you the all important post course handout and email support to help you continue to succeed afterwards.